Dormammu: VERY CLEVER, STRANGE. YOU TEMPORARILY SEVERED MY CONNECTION TO THE DARK DIMENSION, SOURCE OF MY POWERS. Dormammu: BUT EVEN IN THIS PRISON OF CRUDE MATTER, YOU MUST BE AWARE THAT I CAN DESTROY YOU ALL. Doctor Strange: Painfully aware, Faltinean. That's why I carefully laid out every detail of my plan before luring you here. Dormammu: YOU OFFERED ME THIS PLACE FREELY? WHY? Doctor Strange: To catch a bigger fish, I needed bigger bait. I engineered a fight massive enough to draw your attention... into a labyrinth of my own creation! Doctor Strange: Here, the last chapter of our little drama will play out.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Scarlet Witch (Classic): Dormammu is trying to escape! He wants to reconnect to his power source! Magik: He looks pissed off... we won't be a match for him if he goes back to his throne! Doctor Strange: My hope is he will be lost in my maze for enough time to become spent... then we might be able to combine our forces to defeat his weakened physical form. Howard the Duck: That's a big "might"! Didja see the size of that guy? The spikes and the unholy fire? Not to mention that he can possess Champions! Jessica Jones: You heard the doctor, Howard. You better suit up too. Howard the Duck: Why I help these superheroes is beyond me...
- Transmission #2
Doctor Strange: You look tired, Dormammu. Dormammu: I CAN STILL CHOKE THE LIFE OUT OF ALL OF YOU! Doctor Strange: You certainly could. But not as easily as before. You are made of matter now. And matter can tire, bend, and break. Dormammu: I AM THE EMPEROR OF COUNTLESS REALITIES! I AM DORMAMMU! Doctor Strange: Your "countless realities" are all but fragments now. Don't you realize? The Battlerealm has swallowed your kingdom. Like it did to everything else. There's no conquering to be performed here. Doctor Strange: We are all pieces in this cosmic chess game, including you. And like a chess piece, you're getting sacrificed so we can advance our strategy. Doctor Strange: You're not the king here, Dormammu. That honor falls on someone else... Dormammu: RARRRGHH!!!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Dormammu