Doctor Strange: Good job in capturing The Hood, Summoner. The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak should restrain him while... The Hood: Strange, Listen to me! it's not my fault! HE made me do it! Jessica Jones: Hey, anybody noticed it's getting dark in here? The Hood: STRANGE! HELP ME!! Doctor Strange: Silence, lackey. I want to speak to your master. The Hood: HEH... OF ALL PLACES. OF ALL PEOPLE. Doctor Strange: Small multiverse, Dormammu. Howard the Duck: Oh no. I know that name. The Hood: I WILL NOT BE DENIED. THIS DIMENSION WILL BE MINE...
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Doctor Strange: Listen, Summoner... Dormammu means to absorb the Battlerealm into his own Dark Dimension. Doctor Strange: Now that he knows I'm here, he won't take any chances. He will throw wave after wave of possessed Champions at us. We must resist, with your help.
- Transmission #2
Scarlet Witch (Classic): Preparations are ready, Steve. Magik: Hope you know what you're doing, or we'll be in deep trouble. Howard the Duck: Hey, where did those two come from? Scarlet Witch (Classic): We have been here all along, Howard... hidden in plain sight. Howard the Duck: Really? Wait a minute... I get it. Wizard humor. Very funny.
- Transmission #3
The Hood: INSECTS. YOU HAVE BOTHERED ME FOR THE LAST TIME. Doctor Strange: How many times have we done this, Dormammu? You will lose, as you have many times before. You don't even have the guts to come down and face me yourself. The Hood: SO BE IT, MORTAL... Dormammu: ... BEHOLD YOUR DOOM MADE FLESH!! Doctor Strange: WANDA, NOW! Scarlet Witch (Classic): LORD OF DARKNESS... YOU HAVE JUST LOST YOUR WAY HOME. The Hood: MASTER, NO! IT'S A TRAP!
- Transmission #5 - Before fighting The Hood