The Grandmaster: Mephisto. What a pleasant surprise, the Prince of Darkness in my humble Contest! Mephisto: Grandmaster. Of course, who else would have the gall to summon me here? The Grandmaster: Summon? I'm not sure what you speak of. I have plenty of Champions in my vaults, I don't need an unhinged arch-demon raising hell in my Battlerealm. Mephisto: Oh, but that's exactly what I intend to do.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Nebula: My sensors are clear. Morningstar is nowhere to be found. Blade: Any update on our ride out of here, Strange? Doctor Strange: Mephisto's presence imbalanced the mystical forces in this area. I'm stitching a teleporting spell together. It's won't be pretty, but it'll do the trick. Gamora: BLADES UP WARRIORS! More enemies incoming!
- Transmission #2
The Grandmaster: Beware, Hell Lord. You might be powerful in your own domain, but here in the Battlerealm I alone reign supreme. Mephisto: You misunderstand me. I have no intention of challenging your rule. My talents lie in more… creative areas. Mephisto: Chaos has a way of creeping in, and you're about to see a major influx of wildcards in your precious Contest of Champions. You'll need some… assistance.
- Transmission #3
Mephisto: Leaving so soon? Mephisto: Morningstar, here they are… take back what's rightfully yours! Morningstar: NO. You are a liar, daemon. You have deceived me. You promised me freedom, but all you really wanted was another soldier for Hades. Mephisto: Cold feet? After all this time? Morningstar: Throw me in the deepest flaming pits if you desire. I will not work for thee anymore, daemon. Mephisto: You Dark Ages people… no fun, with your rigid rules of good and evil. Look at all these heroes, they know the game… they fight each other with abandon, changing sides on a whim. Such violence and betrayal… Mephisto: Very well. I shall do it myself, then…
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Mephisto