Triumph and Torment is the first Quest in the second Chapter in the Story Event When Titans Clash!.
It is preceded by Safety in Numbers and succeeded by My Ally, My Enemy!.
Caption: Without Annihilus to protect it, the second space station is disabled with ease. Now the Fantastic Four race to locate the third space station...
Invisible Woman: That last station was definitely Negative Zone technology, but there was something else about it...something familiar underneath.
Thing: Well there's noth'n familiar about what we're fly'n into now. Looks like some sorta horrible bug nest in space.
H.E.R.B.I.E.: My systems detect a fusion of organic components, technological components, and unstable arcane energies.
Thing: Magic space bug nest. Poifect.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Caption: Meanwhile, inside the anomaly...
Mister Fantastic: Norrin? I can't believe you're here. This place, it's as though time...resets. I have this distant memory of why and how...but it's hard to think straight.
Mister Fantastic: If only H.E.R.B.I.E. were here, I could find some way to measure quantum chronal events. At least then I would know how long I had between resets.
Mister Fantastic: Regardless, time or no time, I need to stay focused on the work!
Silver Surfer: What exactly are you working on Reed?
Mister Fantastic: Escape! I haven't given up Norrin. I'm going to find a way out of here, out of the Battlerealm. We'll finally be able to go home...
Mister Fantastic: And though I may not have H.E.R.B.I.E., I still have my beacon. I've also found this strange device...
Mister Fantastic: It appears to be a simple artificial intelligence, programmed for search and rescue. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was Stark tech...
Mister Fantastic: ...M.I.C.R.O....yes, I think that with the aid of this device, and some help from you old friend, I might finally be able to save us all.
- Transmission #2
Caption: Back in space, aboard the nightmare amalgamation of alien technology and arcane science...
Human Torch: How is everything moist and dry at the same time?!
H.E.R.B.I.E.: The underlying structure of this station is purely technological, but it has somehow been fused with this alien organic material. The two are somehow bonded, sharing energy.
Caption: **A healthy relationship demands a little give and take...**
Human Torch: Who said that? Who's out there? Show yourself!
H.E.R.B.I.E.: I do not hear anything Mr. Storm.
Caption: **Your tin puppet cannot hear me, but the rest of you can...ohhh, it has been so long since I have had company. Such exquisite morsels.**
Thing: Everyone else hears the voice in their head right? And I'm not talk'n 'bout the one that sings the tripledent gum jingle.
Caption: **You have questions, and I have answers. Find me, and I may consider sharing them with you...**
- Transmission #3
Symbiote Supreme: You're stumbling around in the dark as usual Summoner. Following some cattle on a quest to upset the greatest discovery the Battlerealm will ever see...
Symbiote Supreme: Richards' anomaly isn't just a prison, it's an experiment. As we speak, Mister Fantastic inches ever closer to uncovering the ultimate secrets of the Battlerealm.
Symbiote Supreme: And I shall be there, to watch. To learn. To steal those secrets for well as my benefactor.
Invisible Woman: I knew it. You'd better explain who's behind all of this, or so help me I will cocoon you in that cape and pop you like a balloon!
Symbiote Supreme: Such audacity. Obviously, I cannot allow you to interfere with the experiment.
Symbiote Supreme: newest generation of symbiotes are going to need hosts, and you all look like perfect vessels for the task!
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Symbiote Supreme
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