Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

The Tutorial is the introduction to Marvel: Contest of Champions that teaches new Summoners the basics of how to fight. The tutorial is exclusive to new accounts and cannot be replayed afterwards.


  • Hulk portraitTierStar (80)
  • Magneto portraitTierStar (80)

The following battles are no longer present and is presented here in a historical capacity.

  • Hulk portraitTierStarTierStarTierStar


The Collector portrait The Collector: Ho there Summoner! No time to explain! The Hulk is on a rampage and Spider-Man needs your help to stop him!
Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) portrait Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Hey there! I know you've got a lot of questions, I do too, but first we gotta work together and stop Doctor Banner before he hurts himself.
The Collector portrait The Collector: I'd be more worried about him hurting you, Peter. Oh no, I think he heard us.
The Collector portrait The Collector: Quickly now, block his attack!
- Dialogue #1 - Upon beginning the fight against the Hulk

The Collector portrait The Collector: Now's your chance to hit back with some light attacks.
- Dialogue #2

The Collector portrait The Collector: Impressive! But you've left yourself open now that you've finished your combo, time to block again!
- Dialogue #3

The Collector portrait The Collector: The Hulk's backing up! Dash towards him by using a medium attack.
- Dialogue #4

Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) portrait Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Uh… Mister Collector, sir? I think I'm going to need something more than my regular punches and kicks if I'm gonna stop Doctor Banner!
The Collector portrait The Collector: You're right Peter! Looks like all those fisticuffs have charged up your Special Attack! Use it now to deal some real damage.
- Dialogue #5

The Collector portrait The Collector: Spectacular show my lad! Now, use everything I've taught you and bring the Hulk to heel.
- Dialogue #6

The Collector portrait The Collector: Fantastic display Summoner! You too, Spider-Man. But now you must face down the Master of Magnetism himself - Magneto!
The Collector portrait The Collector: And of course, an impressive enemy deserves an impressive reward.
The Collector portrait The Collector: Fell this foe, and I shall award you a powerful crystal with a Champion inside, waiting to be unleashed!
- Dialogue #7 - After defeating the Hulk

The Collector portrait The Collector: Looks like Magneto is hiding behind his block. Spider-Man's normal light and medium attacks won't be able to get past it!
The Collector portrait The Collector: But aha! If you use a heavy attack, Spider-Man will break that block without breaking a sweat!
- Dialogue #8

The Collector portrait The Collector: Careful Summoner, Magneto is throwing a heavy attack of his own. Dash backwards and dodge to safety.
- Dialogue #9

The Collector portrait The Collector: Magneto's heavy attack missed! Whenever that happens, you can dash in and punish your opponent.
- Dialogue #10

Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) portrait Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Hey Summoner! I think we're really getting the hang of it!
The Collector portrait The Collector: Amazing work Summoner, you and Spider-Man have now learned the fundamentals of combat.
The Collector portrait The Collector: Now let me see you apply what I've taught you, and don't forget that wonderous reward that awaits you.
- Dialogue #11

The Collector portrait The Collector: Congratulations, Summoner! As promised, here is a Nexus Crystal.
The Collector portrait The Collector: This is a rare kind of Champion Crystal which allows you to choose from 1 of 3 potential Champions to add to your roster. Give it a spin!
- Dialogue #12 - After defeating Magneto

Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) portrait Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Whoah, wait a second Summoner. We fulfilled one of your Objectives!
Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) portrait Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): They're like, little side missions inside the Contest that you can do for rewards.
- Dialogue #13 - After opening the Beginner Nexus Crystal

Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) portrait Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Oh man, if we complete enough of these, we'll be able to recruit Wolverine!
Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) portrait Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): I know he's got like, this really scary rep, but I've heard he's actually a really nice guy. But I've also heard he beats up people for saying that…
Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) portrait Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Our next Objective is to complete a Quest! That's great! We were just about to start one with the Collector.
- Dialogue #14 - After claiming the 1st Objective Milestone.

This dialogue continues on the Tutorial version of Surrender.

This dialogue is no longer present and is presented here in a historical capacity.

The Collector portrait The Collector: Ah, a worthy performance! Congratulations Summoner, you have been chosen to represent Earth. However, I'll be taking my Thor back.
The Collector portrait The Collector: He's in mint condition, and I do not want you decreasing his value.
The Collector portrait The Collector: Kang has visited my vault and collected another Champion. I suggest you do the same.
- After defeating the Hulk

This dialogue continues in Introduction.


Solo Objectives[]

Objective Chain Objectives Rewards Completion
Welcome to the Contest 1. Defeat Hulk and Magneto
  • Gold6,000 Gold
Wolverine portraitTierStarTierStar
2. Win 2 Quest Fights
3. Complete Act 1, Chapter 1, Quest 1
  • Gold6,000 Gold
  • Tier 2 basic ISO-81x Tier 2 Basic ISO-8
  • Tier 1 basic ISO-81x Tier 1 Basic ISO-8
4. Complete Act 1, Chapter 1, Quest 2
  • Gold6,000 Gold
  • Tier 3 basic ISO-81x Tier 3 Basic ISO-8
5. Level Up a Champion
  • Gold6,000 Gold
  • Tier 3 basic ISO-81x Tier 3 Basic ISO-8


Marvel: Contest of Champions Terminology
Game Modes Alliance WarArena (QuickMatch3 vs. 3) • BattlegroundsIncursions
Quests Alliance QuestBack IssuesDaily QuestEvent Quest (Story) • Special EventStory Quest
Champions Fighting AttackBlockBuffCombo • Damage (DirectPhysicalEnergy) • DashDebuffDodgeNodesPowerSpecial AttackStriker
Stats ArmorArmor PenetrationAttackBlock (PenetrationPerfect Block ChanceProficiency) • Class (Bonus) • Combat Power RateCritical Rating (DamageResistence) • Energy ResistanceHealthHero RatingPhysical ResistancePrestigeRegeneration RateSignature AbilitySpirit Gain RateSynergy BonusTagsTierUpgradingVictory Animation
Resources Items Boosts (ArenaChampion) • CatalystsCrystals (Featured ChampionGrouped ChampionShards) • Duel CreditsEnergy RefillsHealth PotionsISO-8Mastery CoresRank Down TicketRank Up GemRevivesSignature Stone
Treasury ArtifactsBattle ChipsElder's MarkGloryGoldLoyaltyMysteriumTrophy TokensUnits
Progression CalendarCutscenesEnergyMasterySolo EventsSolo ObjectivesStory MilestonesTutorial (Introduction) • XP
Miscellaneous Alliance (ChatEvents) • The ContestCalloutsChatElder's AlphabetFeatured ChampionsGatesGiftingLocationsMarvel: Realm of ChampionsProfile PicRelicsSummonerSummoner ShowdownTitle