Howard the Duck: The nerve 'a that guy! Howard the Duck: Everyone else gets to go home for the Holidays—but me? Howard the Duck: "You must reorganize my crystal collection, Mr. The Duck." Howard the Duck: That ain't even my last name!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Howard the Duck: Let's see, let's see... Gwen Stacy goes under "G"... sheesh, there's like eight different ones! Hyperion: Hello, my duck-billed friend! Howard the Duck: GAH! Don't scare me like that unless you want some serious Quack-Fu, pal! Hyperion: Ha-hah! My apologies, Mr. Howard! I am Hyperion, of Earth-13404, and I have need of your services. Howard the Duck: MY services? What does a walking tank like you need from me?
- Transmission #2
Hyperion: I may be mighty, Howard, but I do not have your eye for detail. Howard the Duck: Aahhh, you need a gumshoe, huh? Well, I'm your duck. What're we after? Howard the Duck: Lost wallet? Missin' sweetheart? Misplaced your backup cape? Hyperion: A bit bigger, I'm afraid... my home planet. The Battlerealm is full of bits and pieces of myriad Earths, and other worlds. Hyperion: I'm hoping my fractured version of Earth is one of them.
- Transmission #3
Howard the Duck: Well, a whole planet shouldn't be too hard to find. Let's get moving and— Howard the Duck: Oh GREAT. It's the SUMMONER! Another one of the Collector's pets. Hyperion: Hmmm... though you don't seem like a bad sort, I don't have time to be waylaid on my journey, Summoner. Howard the Duck: That's the spirit, big guy! Knock 'em all out!
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Hyperion