She-Hulk: This place is a mess… Deadpool: Ahh, Quest 3-2. My pride and joy! I call it "Venompool's Vengeance," which is definitely not a name I thought up just now! Venompool: So he finally showsss his face, the masked moron! We have been waiting for you, Deadpool. To teach you a lesssson! Deadpool: Uh oh, I hope it's not math related… Venompool: IT ISSSS! Deadpool: NOOOOOOOOO!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Venompool: We are very mad, Deadpool! Venompool: And we cannot stop refering[sic] to ourselves in the multiple third perssson, which is VERY FRUSSSSTRATING! Deadpool: I was going to ask about that… is it, like a "royal" we? Like: "We are not amused!" Venompool: WE ARE UNSURE, WHICH ISSSS EQUALLY FRUSTRATING! She-Hulk: I really can't decide which one of these two is more headache-inducing.
- Transmission #2
Venompool: We want to destroy the Sspider-Man! But we alssso want to watch bad TV shows and eat nachos! Venompool: The duality issss maddening! This is your doing, Deadpool! We will punish you for thisss! She-Hulk: Here he comes, Summoner. Let's do this! Deadpool: I think I've learned a valuable lesson today, guys. And that is -- The Collector: WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE ELDERS IS GOING ON HERE?! Deadpool: Oooop, no time for revelations! Beat up Venompool now now now now!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Venompool