Walking Shadow is the second Quest in the second Chapter in the Story Event Violent Delights.
To be added
Caption: One fight is finished, but the Storm siblings have gone off with their own brawl. Flames and force fields are used with little care or compassion.
Ægon: ISO-Madness does not care for friends or family, it is a true tragedy… It is also the only clue we have to follow.
Ægon: I am detecting a concentrated area of unnatural ISO growth. It will hold great danger, but a slim chance for answers.
Caption: After a quick journey, the pair arrive in Times Square. A squad of Avengers are fighting one another, making the square a battlefield.
Caption: Captain America takes Black Widow off her feet with a shield throw. Hawkeye sends a flock of arrows flying at Tony Stark's Hulkbuster armor.
Ægon: Summoner, I know this is a lot to process… But I am seeing one more oddity amongst the circus of absurdity.
Caption: A green goliath with flowing white hair rushes at Stark and knocks them down. Their eyes are wild, until they lock on the Summoner.
Caption: With a roar, Maestro throws the mechanized suit into the next block. He then begins marching right towards Ægon and the Summoner.
Maestro: Ah, you've finally joined us. About damn time you got in the fight.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Ægon: How are you standing here? Worlds crumbled and multiverses collided to bring your reign to an end.
Maestro: I have made no secret of my return. Perhaps you have been too preoccupied in your own affairs to focus on the Battlerealm.
Ægon: …How?
Maestro: Your Summoner, of course. They helped plant a world tree on a dead planet to bring it back to life… And by the gods it worked.
Maestro: All that lay below the soil found life, growth, and purpose. Myself included. I shall not squander this cosmically empowered second chance.
Maestro: At this moment you have bigger worries than an ancient Bruce Banner. You were likely seeking the source of this mayhem? Behold.
Caption: Maestro points a massive gauntleted finger to the skies. Floating above the fracas is a form made of light, crystal, power… And malice.
Isophyne: Ah good, there are some here who still hold on to their senses. I had worried that the spectacle of your destruction would go unappreciated.
Isophyne: I am Isophyne, the living ISO-Sphere. I am the protector of this realm, and destroyer of those who would dare corrupt its perfection.
Isophyne: As a gift from my Founders, you may bask in the splendor of my beauty as your final sight before extermination.
- Transmission #2
Caption: Ægon briefly glances at his ISO-Belt and ISO-charged arm. Then up to this strange creature in the sky.
Ægon: I have heard no tale, legend, or warning of a living ISO-Sphere. I don't understand.
Maestro: You must only understand the danger she represents. She is the attack dog for the "owners" of this realm… And we are the trespassers.
Isophyne: I am not a pet, I am a protector. I have been restoring this realm from the corruption and filth your kind have been spreading.
Isophyne: I was destroyed by those who laid false claim to this paradise… And in my absence countless horrors made this cradle of life their home.
Maestro: I have been sensing her awakening for some time, and I have inspired many to gather what power they could find.
Caption: *Editor's note: May "The Train Job" Foundry Nexus. July "Stern Minds Prevail" Heart of Glass. September "Lupus in Fabula" Villain Gathering.*
Maestro: I even tried to gather the strongest warriors of the Battlerealm and test their mettle. Have you not heard of my Glorious Games?
Isophyne: I find your lack of rapture most vexing. A higher being is speaking to you, how do your small minds have room for any other focus?
Maestro: You'll notice that the Summoner has not spoken a word, so at least some respect is being shown by one of us.
- Transmission #3
Ægon: I am curious why you are not under her ISO-Spell, Maestro.
Maestro: I am not about to discuss my strength while in the presence of a threat. I have the brawn but not the brains of a Hulk.
Isophyne: You call my gifts a spell? The crystals bring a bounty of energy. For the worthy that power is used for glory and creation.
Isophyne: When lesser beings are exposed to it they are consumed by the power and a blissful purifying transformation follows.
Isophyne: However… Your sinful lot seems fueled by it. You are not turned into cosmic dust, you are changed into organisms of hate and violence.
Caption: A grind of gears, a hiss of pistons, and a rolling of heavy footsteps ring out as an ISO-enraged Tony Stark has returned to the brawl.
Hulkbuster: Maestro! I get all dressed up to smash a Hulk and you think I'm only going to last one round? No chance, you lump of gamma-garbage!
Isophyne: You see? You crave destruction like some creatures crave food and drink. Even old friends yearn for battle.
Maestro: We're not friends, we are former co-workers at best, and I don't have time for this. Summoner, hold back the trillionaire playboy.
Maestro: Ægon, perhaps the tunnels below us will allow privacy as we talk strategy.
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Hulkbuster
Completion | Exploration |
Contender | |
Proven | |
Conqueror | |
Uncollected | |
Cavalier | |
Thronebreaker | |
List of Story Events | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||