Worlds of Potential is the second Quest in Act 6 Chapter 1: Great Revival, and was released on March 13, 2019.
It contains 10 paths and has 8 Opponents per path. Special Delivery and Combo Party are the unique Global Nodes for this Quest.
It is preceded by 6.1.1: Tentative Steps and succeeded by 6.1.3: A Father's Concern.
Global []
Name | Effect(s) |
Special Delivery | The Attacker begins the fight with 15 Combo charges. Each landed basic attack decreases the Combo charges by 1, and launching a Special Attack will reset the charges. If all charges are removed, they are reset, and the Attacker suffers a Passive Degen equal to 100% of the Defender's Attack Rating over 4 seconds. |
Combo Party | For every 10 hits on their Combo Meter, the Attacker gains a permanent Cruelty Buff, granting +500 Crit Damage Rating. When struck, the attacker loses all Cruelty Buffs if their combo meter is lost and takes 40% of the Defender's attack as direct damage for each Cruelty Buff removed this way. |
Champion Boost | +200% Attack & Health |
Health | +400% Health |
WARNING | A third Special Attack has been activated! |
Name | Effect(s) |
Aggression: Regeneration | Every 2 seconds on a timer, gain a Regeneration passive that heals for 0.25% of Max Health every second per stack. When struck, reset the timer and remove a Regeneration passive stack. |
Aggression: Fury | Every 2 seconds on a timer, gain a Fury passive increasing Attack by 50% per stack. When struck, reset the timer and remove a Fury passive stack. |
Spite | While opponents have active Buffs, this champion activates Power Flood out of Spite, granting 18% Power per second and Special Attacks a 100% chance to be Unblockable. |
Masochism | Every 7 seconds the next Debuff triggered on this Champion is immediately removed. Each time this effect triggers they Regenerate 5% of their Max Health. |
Power Drain | The first hit of Defender's Special Attacks drain up to 100% of the Attacker's Power. |
Aggression: Armor | Every 2 seconds on a timer, gain an Armor Up passive increasing Armor by 50% per stack. When struck, reset the timer and remove an Armor up passive stack. |
Bubble Shield - 3 | Each time the Attacker Blocks an attack, their Block Proficiency reduces by 6%. After 10 stacks, the Defender's next attack is Unblockable. |
Feats of Power | When above 1 Bar of Power, gain a Fury Buff. When above 2 Bars of Power, gain a Precision Buff. When at 3 Bars of Power, gain a Cruelty Buff. |
Biohazard | When struck, 20% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 100% of Attack as direct damage over 7.50 seconds. When Blocking an attack, 50% chance to inflict Poison, dealing 100% of Attack as direct damage over 7.50 seconds. |
Backup Recovery - 3 | When brought below 50% Health the Defender gains a burst of 30% Power. If a reduction to Ability Accuracy prevents this, the Defender instead recovers 25% Max Health. |
Mini Boss: Sentinel []
Name | Effect(s) |
Arc Overload 2.0 | Every 20 seconds, this Defender triggers an Arc Overload, gaining an Armor Up Buff which increases Armor by 25% and a Regeneration Buff which heals 25% of Max Health. These Buffs last for 6 seconds. |
Biohazard | When struck, 20% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 100% of Attack as direct damage over 7.50 seconds. When Blocking an attack, 50% chance to inflict Poison, dealing 100% of Attack as direct damage over 7.50 seconds. |
Bubble Shield - 3 | Each time the Attacker Blocks an attack, their Block Proficiency reduces by 6%. After 10 stacks, the Defender's next attack is Unblockable. |
Special Attack Heal Block | The Defender's Special Attacks inflict a Heal Block Debuff and a Passive Fate Seal against Regeneration Buffs for 10 seconds. |
Prey on the Weak - 1 | The Defender gains 1% of their Max Power each time a Buff is Nullified, expires, or is removed off the Attacker. |
Boss: Ultron (Classic) []
Name | Effect(s) |
Attack | +25% Attack |
Health | +200% Health |
Aggression: Armor | Every 2 seconds on a timer, gain an Armor Up passive increasing Armor by 50% per stack. When struck, reset the timer and remove an Armor up passive stack. |
Spry | Each time the Defender Passively Evades an attack, a Fatigue Debuff is placed on the Attacker, reducing their Critical Rating by 1,000 for 15 seconds. |
E.M.P. Modification | Whenever the attacker gains a Buff, the Defender gains an Overclock charge. Max 10 stacks. For each charge, the Defender deals +15% Energy Damage with each strike. Defender’s Special Attacks convert all charges into Passive Shocks, each dealing 25% of Attack as Energy Damage over 10 seconds. |
Backup Recovery - 3 | When brought below 50% Health the Defender gains a burst of 30% Power. If a reduction to Ability Accuracy prevents this, the Defender instead recovers 25% Max Health. |
Spite | While opponents have active Buffs, this champion activates Power Flood out of Spite, granting 18% Power per second and Special Attacks a 100% chance to be Unblockable. |
Carina: Welp, barely started and we already have some “fans.”
Carina: I guess that’s a sign we’re doing things right!
Ægon: Your positivity is admirable, but please do not let it cloud your discretion.
Carina: Of course, Ægon. The three of us are more than enough to take on anything out here, though!
Carina: Speaking of out here… this place is in rough shape. A real fixer-upper. Looks like this is where Ultron was causing trouble way back when.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Carina: And on the topic of fixing… I wonder if I can…
Carina: Hnnn…
Carina: YAAAA!
Ægon: Incredible… the very earth responds to your command! Do not overtax yourself, Carina. The power of ISO-8 comes with a price.
Carina: You’re not kidding, that was more than a little exhausting.
- Transmission #2 - Before fighting Black Widow, Captain America or Spider-Man (Classic)
Ægon: Did you notice, Summoner? That opponent was not as potent as the others here.
Ægon: Could it be that Carina’s powers draw ISO-8 from not only the soil, but living beings infused with it as well?
Ægon: I suppose time will tell. All the more reason to help her understand her capabilities.
- Transmission #3 - After fighting Black Widow, Captain America or Spider-Man (Classic)
Carina: Not a bad cleanup, huh? This place will be ready for a classy business-casual restaurant in no time--
Carina: Oh. That thing might get in the way.
Ultron (Classic): //Establishing connection with drones…
Ultron (Classic): //Drones not found.
Ultron (Classic): //Establishing connection with prime unit…
Ultron (Classic): //Prime unit not found.
Carina: Hey, so, before you finish with that crisp boot-up sound effect--
Ultron (Classic): //Failsafe system active. Priority protocol:
Ultron (Classic): //EXTINCTION.
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Ultron (Classic)